Vlad Filippov

Vlad Filippov

full-stack software developer / open source hacker

Building Your Own JavaScript Framework – The Book

Available Soon! Dive into the dynamic realm of JavaScript frameworks with our upcoming book on Building Your Own JavaScript Frameworks. Ten exciting chapters that include materials that teach you about JavaScript frameworks of all types, how to build and organize your own systems, and finally how to maintain them.

Pre-order Your Copy

Available soon digitally and as physical copies in many countries from over 20 locations, including the following stores:

Physical copies on Amazon Books (United States, Canada, France, and other countries)
Digital Kindle copies on Amazon Kindle (United States, Canada, France, and other countries)
Packt Publishing

What You Will Learn

🚀 Expand your knowledge of JavaScript frameworks across different runtimes and ecosystems.

🔍 Dive into the technical aspects of structuring framework abstractions in JavaScript.

🌈 Grasp common patterns shared by many existing frameworks.

🔧 Discover the functionalities of essential tools like TypeScript, GraphQL, and more.

📈 Develop the ability to configure performance tests for your projects and identify bottlenecks in the codebase.

🔮 Gain insights into the evolving world of JavaScript and the Web, understanding their future trajectory and upcoming developments.

© Vlad Filippov