The “Surfing the Internet with Netscape Navigator 2” unlocks the treasures of the Internet that the time forgot.
The book was first published in 1995 by Sybex Inc. and the authors areĀ Daniel A. Tauber and Brenda Kienan. I honestly forgot where I got this book from, I think someone was about to throw it out and I saved it because Netscape was cool. I’m going to try to include some of the best partsĀ of this book that talk about the Internet and the Web before Google, JavaScript, Facebook, etc. If you like these snippets below then support the authors by buying this book on Amazon or something(???).
Anyway, let’s get into our time machine and set the year to 1995:

Don’t forget the floppy, included with the book.

Text vs GUI Web Browsers!

Start your “Internet Exploration”.

The Internet of the People!

Netscape – Mosaic but with improvements.

The Rolling Stones home page…

If you have a sound card you might be able to enjoy some very credible sounds…

Some say newsgroups are still delivering news to this day…

Give me some cool URLs when you see me next.

Java was the hot word in ’95

But you have [browser name here], so you’ll be just fine, right?

Have you credit card ready if you need help with your Internets

Bring back the “What’s cool” directory.

Magellan (search engine), a forerunner of the Excite web portal…

New Yahoo logo leaked?

Don’t click on any of those buttons in 2017.

Annual Best of the Web awards…

“Privacy on the Net has become a major concern” (1995)

This web portal might crash your system, true to this day…

Truly interactive

Hotwired is now a 403 “You don’t have permission to access / on this server.”

E-Zine-Lists are going to come back in 2018…

Advanced HTML layouts before CSS

Free add-ons to manage your bookmarks in Netscape

No you.

Ship it.

These are some good tips…

and then everyone started putting tiny buttons and banners everywhere…

I’m not even going to check if the White House Guest Book is around anymore…

This classic got an upgrade in 2002 and can be found at

Not all browsers will ever understand…

The time when not everyone could open JPGs…

… or use custom colors.

“Announcement services”

Please use the FTP server at 2am, because everyone is on the Net at lunchtime.

Not sure if the new Mac Book Pro can run this…

Another reminder, please use the FTP server at 2am…

Anyone still on NNTP?

RealAudio before it became malware..

Hey, Netscape invented SSL!
If you got to the end of this post – Congratulations! You are now an experienced Web navigator…