Vlad Filippov

Vlad Filippov

full-stack software developer / open source hacker

FirefoxOS App Days – Developing North

Mozilla hosted a series of developer events around the world to promote their new mobile os – Firefox OS I’ve teamed up with Zach Forrester, who is a great graphic designer, for this hack day!

After browsing the Firefox Marketplace, we’ve decided to develop a compass with a futuristic design and exciting features.

This application heavily relies on HTML5 deviceorientation capabilities and other device technologies, plus a few tweaks for calibration. You can read more about using device orientation on HTML5 Rocks.

This is a mock-up of our application. The compass itself has a very unique design. After we get our hands on Firefox OS devices we will be able to actually submit this application to the Marketplace.

We’ve presented our application at the hackathon and were lucky enough to win a few goodies from Mozilla! This was a really well-organized event and we are surely participate in something like this again. Thanks to Mozilla for hosting this event!

© Vlad Filippov